January – 2012 Flower Essences

January 2012

Welcome to the monthly Ask Dr. Marty Newsletter. In response to several requests, I have decided to share some information based on questions that I frequently receive regarding natural health topics. I promise to keep the newsletter short. But if at any time you get overwhelmed with emails, please let me know and I’ll be glad to take you off of the mailing list. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the newsletter and hope that you will forward any questions you may have as well. Even if they don’t make it into the newsletter, I promise to answer all questions. All questions will be anonymous.

Question: This newsletter has a question for you. Do you know anyone who:

– has had an emotional or physical trauma, like a car accident, and can’t seem to get better?

– is impatient, quick to lose their temper, or intolerant of others’ views?

– is having trouble letting go of the pain of a breakup, divorce, or the death of a loved one?

– is caught up in obsessive, addictive, or other self-destructive behaviors, like overeating or smoking?

– is a people pleaser or enabler, and can’t seem to set healthy boundaries?

– can’t seem to heal from emotional wounds that keep them from having a loving, open heart?

– doesn’t have the confidence to pursue the goals and directions in life that could bring them joy?

Do any of those descriptions sound familiar? Do any of these profiles sound like someone you know? Do any of these questions bring to mind facets of your personality that could use a little help?

Answer: So many people are struggling in a pressure cooker of anxiety, anger, grief, fear and depression. The economy, unemployment levels and family conflicts, among other stressors, seem to be at an all-time high. Nature’s Sunshine has just formulated a series of liquid flower essences that are similar to homeopathic preparations. They seem to be experiencing a great deal of success. My husband and I have both used them and they have made a difference. One way that these remedies are making a difference is through their ability to clear emotional roadblocks, so that fewer supplements are needed for physical imbalances. So not only can there be a greater feeling of well-being emotionally, you may be able to spend less money on supplements with greater results.

Steven Horne is a past president of the American Herbalist Guild, is a gifted author and teacher, and has studied herbs for 30 years. I have a tremendous amount of respect for Steven. He was the key developer of these remedies. His company is called Tree of Light Publishing. It is a great resource of publications, like Nature’s Field (which is available free on-line) and the Comprehensive Guide to Nature’s Sunshine Products. For a wealth of information, check out his website at treelite.com. For a detailed questionnaire on whether one of the flower essences might be right for you, you can go to:


Hot Tip: Steven has a great series of webinars available on treelite.com, some are even free.

Next month…CoQ10

Maureen (Marty) Kernion is not a physician and does not diagnose nor prescribe. She received a bachelor’s degree in secondary education from Louisiana State University, and a Master of Science degree and Doctorate of Natural Health degree from Clayton College of Natural Health. She is the author of Going Natural with Herbs. Marty lectures on natural health topics across the country and has been featured at 78 Barnes and Noble book stores since her book was published. She is also a retired adjunct professor with Clayton College of Natural Health where she authored 39 courses in nutrition and herbal remedies.

It is always wise to advise your pharmacist or health care practitioner about any change in diet or supplements you plan to take, especially if you take any prescription medication.

“Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.” Ezekiel 47:12

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