Tag Archives: Smoking

March – 2011 Smoking

March 2011

Welcome to the monthly Ask Dr. Marty Newsletter. In response to several requests, I have decided to share some information based on questions that I frequently receive regarding natural health topics. I promise to keep the newsletter short. But if at any time you get overwhelmed with emails, please let me know and I’ll be glad to take you off of the mailing list. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the newsletter and hope that you will forward any questions you may have as well. Even if they don’t make it into the newsletter, I promise to answer all questions. All questions will be anonymous.

Question: I know I should quit smoking for a lot of reasons, so I’m trying to quit. In the meantime, I know that smoking is taking a toll on my health. My wife says I should take supplements. Are there any vitamins that are especially important for smokers?

Answer: Congratulations on having the desire to quit smoking. That’s the first step to getting onto a healthier pathway. Smoking does take a toll on lots of processes in the body, so you’re wise to look at supplements to help minimize the damage that can be caused. Strengthening your body will also make it easier for you to quit permanently when you’re ready. Below, in order of importance, are several supplements that are especially important for smokers.

Vitamin C – Smoking depletes this vitamin, so many experts recommend 500 mg twice a day of a non-acidic vitamin C like Citrus Bioflavonoids. Vitamin C is especially important to the immune system, healthy gums, prevention of excessive bruising, prevention of cataracts, the absorption of iron, and the reduction of toxins in the body.

B complex vitamins – Because tobacco is a stimulant, it increases stress on the nervous system, depleting B vitamins.

Enviro-Detox – Cleanses the body of chemicals

When you decide to quit, there are several supplements that can help you through the withdrawal period:

Lobelia – An herb that is excellent for stress, muscle aches, and congestion
St. John’s Wort – excellent as a mood elevator
When these two herbs are used together they are especially helpful for most people to reduce cravings for nicotine and decrease irritability

Nutricalm – Vitamins and minerals that are depleted by smoking along with calming herbs (This herbal combination has been known to save many a marriage!)

Licorice Root – stabilizes blood sugar and mood swings and reduces sugar cravings

If you are experiencing a chronic cough or congestion, there are also natural choices to strengthen the lungs and sinuses, such as Histablock, or marshmallow and fenugreek.

Hot Tip: Take up a new hobby that you enjoy to fill the voids. Take a walk when a craving hits you. Don’t be discouraged. Your body (and your loved ones!) will love you for quitting! If you’re not a smoker, share this with someone who is.

Next month…Getting personal on the topic of fiber.

Maureen (Marty) Kernion is not a physician and does not diagnose nor prescribe. She received a bachelor’s degree in secondary education from Louisiana State University, and a Master of Science degree and Doctorate of Natural Health degree from Clayton College of Natural Health. She is the author of Going Natural with Herbs. Marty lectures on natural health topics across the country and has been featured at 78 Barnes and Noble book stores since her book was published. She is also a retired professor, specializing in courses in nutrition and herbal remedies.

It is always wise to advise your pharmacist or health care practitioner about any change in diet or supplements you plan to take, especially if you take any prescription medication.

“Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.” Ezekiel 47:12