Tag Archives: High Blood Pressure

May 2015 – Vitamin C





Welcome to the monthly Ask Dr. Marty Newsletter. It is based on questions that I receive regarding natural health topics. I hope you enjoy the newsletter and will forward any questions you may have as well.


QUESTION: Turnabout’s fair play. I get to ask the question this month. Be prepared. It’s a long one. It’ll test your vitamin IQ.


According to clinical trials, which vitamin:


  • Stimulates the production of lymphocytes and increases the mobility of phagocytes (Both are important parts of the immune system.);
  • Feeds the thymus gland, which is also a big part of the immune system;
  • Inactivates a wide variety of bacteria and viruses;
  • Can reduce the severity and shorten the duration of respiratory infections;
  • Significantly reduces the symptoms of allergies and asthma;
  • Allows the adrenal glands to produce hormones, including the hormones that reduce stress;
  • Is needed for the production of collagen, which is important for growth and repair of tissues like bones and cartilage;
  • Can reduce recovery time after injury or surgery by 50-70%, depending on the amount taken;
  • Can reduce LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol;
  • Is needed for the body to assimilate folic acid, iron from vegetables, and selenium, a mineral that is associated with the prevention of cancer.);
  • A major antioxidant, preventing free radical damage, which is associated with degenerative disease and preventing the oxidation of cholesterol, which appears to be more important than just cholesterol numbers;
  • According to a clinical trial by Nobel prize winner Linus Pauling, can inhibit the growth of Leukemia cells by up to 20%;
  • Can enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy in killing cancerous cells;
  • Is recommended by the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society as a cancer preventative;
  • Can reduce high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries (risk factors for heart attack and stroke);
  • Blocks the conversion of nitrates and nitrites in bacon, ham, sausage and hot dogs to cancer-causing nitrosamines; and
  • Is associated with a reduced risk of cancer of the stomach, bladder, colon, lungs, uterus and esophagus.I WARNED YOU IT WAS LONG.ANSWER: For those of you who guessed vitamin C, you are right. Humble, simple, inexpensive vitamin C. Pretty impressive list, isn’t it? I often hear the question regarding how much vitamin C to take. The answer is different for everyone and different for every individual, depending on stress levels at the time. Stress can use up vitamin C like greased lightning. Did you hear my southern accent on that one? Stress can be the emotional variety. We’re all familiar with tight schedules, changes (good or bad), and interpersonal conflicts. But stress can be physical, as well. Wounds, injuries, smoking, some medications like birth control pills, and surgeries are all stress on the body and can use up massive amounts of vitamin C. Back to the question. The best way to tell how much vitamin C to take is to do the bowel tolerance test. Start out taking a supplement in the smallest dose possible in the morning. On day 2, add another pill to the dosage, so it’s one in the morning and one in the evening. Every day add one more pill to the amount, always stretching out the dose as much as possible during the day until your bowels are a little loose. At that point you know you’ve gone one step too far. Back down to the prior dose for your ideal amount. During extreme periods of stress, I’ve seen some people need 10,000mg. The reason to stretch out the dose as much as possible is that Vitamin C is water soluble, meaning it is not stored in fat, so it must be consumed regularly.Even more importantly, what kind of vitamin C is best? If you take large amounts of regular vitamin C, you run the risk of developing mouth ulcers from the excess acid. I prefer a vitamin C with citrus bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids make the vitamin C more potent and reduce the acidity. That’s a good thing since most of us are overly acid. Bioflonoids are antioxidant compounds found in the white pulp just inside the skin in citrus fruits. Rose hips are an alkaline form of natural vitamin C and can also be a good source. Vitamin C with rose hips almost always has so little rose hips in the supplement. Don’t bother. A natural vitamin is always recognized by the body better and absorbed better than a chemical vitamin.You may be curious about the symptoms of a vitamin C shortage. Even slight shortages can result in muscle weakness, joint and muscle pain, fatigue and irritability. Have I started a few wheels turning out there? I hope so. Hot Tip: For more information on acidity, checkout my newsletter on pH.Next month…Taking medications – what you need to know*******   
  • “Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.” Ezekiel 47:12
  • It is always wise to advise your pharmacist or health care practitioner about any change in diet or supplements you plan to take, especially if you take any prescription medication.
  • Maureen (Marty) Kernion is not a physician and does not diagnose nor prescribe. She received a bachelor’s degree in secondary education from Louisiana State University, and a Master of Science degree and Doctorate of Natural Health degree from Clayton College of Natural Health. She is the author of Going Natural with Herbs and co-authored True Health Series:Energy. Marty lectures on natural health topics across the country and has been featured at 78 Barnes and Noble book stores since her first book was published. She is also a retired professor, specializing in courses in nutrition and herbal remedies.

March 2014 – Blood Pressure

Welcome to the monthly Ask Dr. Marty Newsletter. In response to several requests, I have decided to share some information based on questions that I frequently receive regarding natural health topics. I hope you enjoy the newsletter and hope that you will forward any questions you may have as well.


QUESTION: I have a family history of high blood pressure. As the years roll on, my own blood pressure keeps creeping upward. What can I do to prevent what my family believes is unavoidable?


ANSWER: Hypertension, or high blood pressure, can be caused by a wide variety of imbalances in the body. Stress can have a strong impact. A build-up of plaque on the walls of blood vessels can reduce blood vessel flexibility and restrict blood flow, requiring more pressure to pump blood throughout the body. Thickened blood can also make blood flow more difficult and result in more difficulty pumping blood through the blood vessels. Increased body weight requires more pressure to pump blood to more body mass. An imbalance in the kidneys can cause a buildup of fluid, requiring greater pumping pressure. A liver imbalance can result in stress, which impacts blood pressure. Stimulants, like caffeine, can also put stress on the entire circulatory system and raise blood pressure. Blood sugar imbalances can also increase blood pressure. A study done at the University of Colorado in Denver discovered that high fructose levels in the diet (like high fructose corn syrup) can increase the risk of high blood pressure by up to 77%. It’s no wonder high blood pressure is growing by leaps and bounds in this country with growing numbers struggling with obesity, diabetes, and stress. So don’t throw your hands up in the air in complete frustration. Many people get discouraged in the belief that they have inherited a problem like high blood pressure. Remember that heredity is just your starting point. You may have inherited a tendency to have high blood pressure, but there are many factors that are controllable. If your attempts to manage the manageable items on this list have proved to be unsuccessful, there are supplements that can help.



  • BLOOD PRESSUREX and CARDIO ASSURANCE are the primary remedies for reducing blood pressure.
  • MEGACHEL is a form of oral chelation that can help in scrubbing plaque out of blood vessels. Care must be taken to substantially supplement with minerals, since oral chelation can get rid of good minerals as well as bad. Seek the advice of a natural health professional if you would like to use this product.
  • COQ10 helps circulation and brings more oxygen to the tissues.
  • HYDRANGEA, CORNSILK, PARSLEY, and DANDELION can work as natural diuretics when excess fluid is evident.
  • COMBINATION POTASSIUM, or ALOE VERA JUICE and DANDELION for the sodium, can balance the ratio of sodium to potassium.
  • Use quality sea salt when using salt at all.


Hot Tip: The most effective blood thinner is water.


Next month…A Spot of TEA



Maureen (Marty) Kernion is not a physician and does not diagnose nor prescribe. She received a bachelor’s degree in secondary education from Louisiana State University, and a Master of Science degree and Doctorate of Natural Health degree from Clayton College of Natural Health. She is the author of Going Natural with Herbs and co-authored True Health Series:Energy. Marty lectures on natural health topics across the country and has been featured at 78 Barnes and Noble book stores since her first book was published. She is also a retired professor, specializing in courses in nutrition and herbal remedies.


It is always wise to advise your pharmacist or health care practitioner about any change in diet or supplements you plan to take, especially if you take any prescription medication.


“Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.” Ezekiel 47:12