October 2014 – Ebola

Ask Dr. Marty Newsletter




Welcome to the monthly Ask Dr. Marty Newsletter. In response to several requests, I have decided to share some information based on questions that I frequently receive regarding natural health topics. I hope you enjoy the newsletter and hope that you will forward any questions you may have as well.


“We interrupt the regularly scheduled program for a test of the Emergency Broadcast System…” If this statement sounds familiar, you’re probably at least as old as I am. Because of the questions I have received regarding the ebola scare I have postponed the scheduled topic for this newsletter – Cold Season.


QUESTION: There’s so much on the news about ebola. What can I do to protect my family?


ANSWER: Thank you for the opportunity to address this issue from several different angles. Ebola is an extremely serious virus. But we are exposed to many serious diseases on a daily basis. Studies about door handles on public rest rooms and cart handles in grocery stores are enough to turn your hair gray you might say. But rewind that thought. We were not created to have a spirit of fear. And heaven knows there are enough crazy things going on in the world that could strike fear into our hearts if we let them. Yet we can’t stick our heads in the sand either.


There will be many who claim they have a natural cure. If you hear that claim, run.


So what can we do? A lot. We can make our bodies as resistant to all diseases as possible. How? By creating an environment in our bodies that allows the natural protection from infections of all sorts, just the way our bodies were created. But if prioritize the following aspects in our lives, we can stack the odds in our favor:


– avoid food that has chemicals, like preservatives, artificial colors, and artificial flavors;

– drink enough pure water to flush out waste and toxins;

– don’t worry about things over which we have no control and control stressful events in our life when we can;

– avoid refined products, like white sugar and flour, which increase emotional stress and weight, and weaken your immune system;

– avoid chemicals in our home and work whenever possible by using natural alternatives;

– get seven to eight hours of restful sleep nightly;

– exercise at appropriate levels at least three to five times a week, which decreases stress, weight and toxins;

– make spirituality a part of every day (studies indicate this causes us to be less stressed out);

– take supplements to fill the gap when you need them.


Easy as pie, huh? No, of course not. Did you catch the pie reference? Although it is not easy, it is worth it. Can you really say it’s not important to stay as healthy as we can? And am I perfect? Definitely not. But as long as I continually improve my odds, I don’t beat myself up, and do better the next day.


I don’t know who originally coined the phrase “It’s better to prepare and prevent than to repair and repent.” , but I’ve heard Jim Jenks say that, so I’ll give him credit.


Hot Tips: I keep lotion with tea tree oil in it in my car at all times to disinfect my hands. I also keep Silver Shield, Citrus Bioflavonoids, and Tei Fu and peppermint disinfectant oils in my house at all times. And the first thing I do when I enter my home is thoroughly wash my hands with hot water and natural soap.


Next month…You guessed it. Cold season.



Maureen (Marty) Kernion is not a physician and does not diagnose nor prescribe. She received a bachelor’s degree in secondary education from Louisiana State University, and a Master of Science degree and Doctorate of Natural Health degree from Clayton College of Natural Health. She is the author of Going Natural with Herbs and co-authored True Health Series:Energy. Marty lectures on natural health topics across the country and has been featured at 78 Barnes and Noble book stores since her first book was published. She is also a retired professor, specializing in courses in nutrition and herbal remedies.


It is always wise to advise your pharmacist or health care practitioner about any change in diet or supplements you plan to take, especially if you take any prescription medication.


“Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.” Ezekiel 47:12


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