August – 2010 Containers

August 2010

Welcome to the monthly Ask Dr. Marty Newsletter. In response to several requests, I have decided to share some information based on questions that I frequently receive regarding natural health topics. I promise to keep the newsletter short. But if at any time you get overwhelmed with emails, please let me know and I’ll be glad to take you off of the mailing list. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the newsletter and hope that you will forward any questions you may have as well. Even if they don’t make it into the newsletter, I promise to answer all questions. All questions will be anonymous.

Question: I notice you carry water around in a glass bottle. Where can you get bottled water in glass?

Answer: Before I answer that question, I need to tell a story about my nephew, Nick when he was about seven years old. The conversation went like this:

Nick: (very excitedly) “Aunt Marty, I saw Pringles potato chips in your pantry! Can I please have some????”

Aunt Marty: “Honey, I’m really sorry. Someone left that container here and it’s filled with whole-wheat flour.” I had to quickly show him I was telling the truth and not holding out on him. Everyone in earshot laughed and told the disappointed young man that this was a valuable lesson. “Never trust any container at Aunt Marty’s…”

Yes. I have a reputation. I recycle containers like the bottles in which I carry water. I filter water at home and put it in bottles that don’t leach chemicals into the water or herbal tea that I drink all day long. I don’t have to feel guilty about the used plastic water bottles circling the earth a million times over (exaggeration :-} ), like that commercial for pitcher filters I’ve seen on TV. I also don’t have to be concerned about the chemicals leaching from plastic into the water.

Have you ever left water in plastic overnight and tried to drink it the next day? If you have, you know what an unpleasant taste it has, especially if it has been in the heat of summer. You may have even seen an email making the rounds about dioxin in plastic wrap and in bottles and the danger of using plastic in microwaves. Check You’ll find the statement by Dr. Halden of Johns Hopkins University that they don’t THINK (emphasis mine) there are dioxins in plastic, but in general, chemicals from plastic do leach into food, especially when heated.

So, what can we do to minimize the chemicals in plastic that may leach into our food and drinks?

-Use glass, ceramic, and stainless steel in place of plastics whenever possible.
-If you use plastic food containers, don’t expose them to heat if at all possible.
-Choose polycarbonate over softer plastic containers when you must use plastic. As a general rule, the harder the plastic, the less likely it is to leach into your food or drinks.

Hot Tip: Look at the recycle numbers in the triangle on the bottom of plastic containers. Containers that are classified with a 1, 2, 4, and 5 are harder plastic, and therefore better choices, than are the ones marked with 3, 6, and 7.

Next month…the probiotics craze

Maureen (Marty) Kernion is not a physician and does not diagnose nor prescribe. She received a bachelor’s degree in secondary education from Louisiana State University, and a Master of Science degree and Doctorate of Natural Health degree from Clayton College of Natural Health. She is the author of Going Natural with Herbs. Marty lectures on natural health topics across the country and has been featured at 78 Barnes and Noble book stores since her book was published. She is also a retired adjunct professor with Clayton College of Natural Health where she authored 39 courses in nutrition and herbal remedies.

It is always wise to advise your pharmacist or health care practitioner about any change in diet or supplements you plan to take, especially if you take any prescription medication.

“Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.” Ezekiel 47:12

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